Cultivating Compassion
Cultivating Compassion

Cultivating Compassion

This collection provides a better understanding of compassion as it is not just an emotion, but is also a trainable state of mind. The following classes will teach the participant how to integrate compassion for others and for oneself—and thereby cultivate a healthier, more productive, and more peaceful life.
Cultivating Compassion - intro
30 sec
Amy Pattee Colvin
5 Classes
What is Compassion?
5-15 min
1. What is Compassion?
Amy Pattee Colvin
Explore the three-part definition of compassion and how it can be applied to life in its various ways. Practicing compassion can make it easier to manage emotions, thoughts, and deliver a sense of peace and clarity into everyday life.
Practicing Compassion When You're Feeling Overwhelmed
5-15 min
2. Practicing Compassion When You're Feeling Overwhelmed
Amy Pattee Colvin
When thoughts and emotions begin to spiral, cultivate a compassionate image to become anchored in the present moment. Consider this compassionate image as something to turn to for strength, and comfort, during any moments of stress or pain.
Making Peace with People You Find to Be Difficult
5-15 min
3. Making Peace with People You Find to Be Difficult
Amy Pattee Colvin
Instead of thinking of someone as a difficult person, think of them as a person in which difficulty revolves around. This meditation will help to make peace with people and their difficulties, and better recognize the uniqueness and commonality shared between all humans.
Releasing Judgment
5-15 min
4. Releasing Judgment
Amy Pattee Colvin
In this meditation, learn the three benefits of compassion: more positive emotions, a decrease in self-criticism, and reduction in judgment—towards the self and others. This class will teach the participant how to implement these benefits with intentional language as well as many other techniques.
Practicing Self-Compassion
5-15 min
5. Practicing Self-Compassion
Amy Pattee Colvin
Explore the benefits of using a compassionate perspective to release judgement of others, of oneself, and simply let go. The four unique visualization tools taught in this meditation are vital for cultivating curiosity, self-acceptance, inner peace, and connection with others.
More by Amy Pattee Colvin

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