Visualizing With Our Minds (eyes closed)
Visualizing With Our Minds (eyes closed)

Visualizing With Our Minds (eyes closed)

This exercise helps kids visualize a place they want to visit, using their imagination and focusing on their five senses. This journey quiets the mind and induces relaxation.
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This exercise helps kids visualize a place they want to visit, using their imagination and focusing on their five senses. This journey quiets the mind and induces relaxation.
Hello, little dreamers.

My name is Marissa, and today, we’re going on a wonderful journey to a special place of your choosing.

Even though your eyes will be closed, your imagination will be wide awake.

You’ll use your mind to create a magical place you’d like to visit for this guided naptime meditation.

You can travel anywhere—perhaps to a peaceful beach, a whispering forest, a magical castle, or even outer space.

In just a few moments, we’ll begin our adventure.

But before we do, let’s calm our mind and body so we can feel completely relaxed as we set off on our fun journey.

Let’s begin by finding a cozy spot to lie down—on your bed, a soft blanket, or any other comfy surface.

Once you’ve found your perfect resting place, gently close your eyes if that feels comfortable, or softly lower your gaze toward the floor.

Now, let’s take some deep breaths together.

When we take slow, deep breaths, it signals to our mind and body that it’s time to calm down and rest.

Take a deep breath in through your nose…

And a deep breath out through your mouth.

Very good.

Let’s do that again—inhale deeply… and exhale fully.

Now, take a deep breath in, imagining that you are breathing in love and light…
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