The Sleep Trip
The Sleep Trip

The Sleep Trip

Sleep Trip is a guided sleep meditation that takes you aboard a peaceful train that will transport you to serene landscapes, such as a tranquil beach or a quiet forest, helping to ease your mind and relax your body.
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Sleep Trip is a guided sleep meditation that takes you aboard a peaceful train that will transport you to serene landscapes, such as a tranquil beach or a quiet forest, helping to ease your mind and relax your body.
Hello and welcome to your sleep trip.

My name is Marissa, and tonight, we’re going on a peaceful journey aboard the Sleep Express, designed to help you relax your mind and body, preparing you for an incredibly restful night’s sleep.

Aboard the Sleep Express, we’ll travel to serene and beautiful places that will help you feel calm and at peace.

Before beginning this wonderful adventure, let’s take a moment to get comfortable.

You can settle in by lying in bed, sitting on a soft surface, or snuggling up with a blanket or your favorite drink.

Take a moment now to feel grounded and fully at ease.

When you’re ready, gently close your eyes and take a deep breath in through your nose…

And then, slowly exhale out through the mouth.

Let’s begin our journey by taking some deep breaths.

This helps signal to our mind and body that it’s time to rest and relax.

Take a deep breath in through the nose… and a deep breath out through the mouth.

Inhale deeply, noticing your belly rise with the breath…

And exhale slowly, noticing your belly fall as you release the air.

Now, take another deep breath in, and this time, notice your chest rise as you inhale…
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