Setting Boundaries
Setting Boundaries

Setting Boundaries

The Setting Boundaries meditation helps you to recognize and express your personal boundaries, fostering self-love and empowerment in relationships with yourself and others.
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The Setting Boundaries meditation helps you to recognize and express your personal boundaries, fostering self-love and empowerment in relationships with yourself and others.
Welcome to your meditation on setting boundaries.

My name is Shayna, and I look forward to guiding you through this practice.

Before we begin, take a moment to tune in and reflect on what the word "boundary" means to you.

How does it feel in your body when you hear that word?

Understanding Boundaries
A boundary is a healthy limit that you set to protect yourself physically, emotionally, and mentally in all relationships.

Boundaries define what you are comfortable with and how you expect others to treat you.

They are crucial for:

Maintaining healthy relationships
Protecting your energy, so you don’t overextend yourself or take on too much
Ensuring mutual respect
At different times in our lives, different circumstances may require different types of boundaries.

And the communication and expression of your boundaries is one of the most important pieces.

But first, it’s essential to recognize and define what your boundaries are—feeling into what feels right for you and allowing yourself to stand strong in them.

By developing healthy boundaries, you create the foundation for safe, nurturing relationships in all areas of life.

Let’s Begin
This meditation can be practiced alone or with a partner or loved one—whatever feels best for you.

Now, take a moment to find a comfortable place to sit.
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