Rhythm of Rest
Rhythm of Rest

Rhythm of Rest

In this sleep meditation class, you will create a consistent bedtime routine that regulates circadian rhythms and enhances sleep quality. You will also learn relaxation techniques and mindfulness practices to signal the body for rest.
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In this sleep meditation class, you will create a consistent bedtime routine that regulates circadian rhythms and enhances sleep quality. You will also learn relaxation techniques and mindfulness practices to signal the body for rest.
Hello and welcome to this guided sleep meditation.

My name is Marissa, and tonight, we’re going to explore how to establish a consistent bedtime routine.

Research shows that consistency helps regulate our internal clock, known as the circadian rhythm, which not only helps us fall asleep faster but also stay asleep.

On top of that, consistency leads to a higher quality night’s rest.

During our time together, you’ll also learn relaxation techniques and mindfulness practices that will support your body in relaxing and easing into a peaceful night’s sleep.

Let’s begin by finding a comfortable place to rest—whether that’s lying down or sitting comfortably.

Take a moment to get cozy and create an environment where you can truly relax, setting aside this time just for yourself.

Now, we’ll begin by taking some grounding, deep breaths.

Take a deep breath in…

And a deep breath out.

Inhale, bringing your focus and awareness to this moment, to my voice, and to whatever is coming up for you right here and now.

Exhale deeply, letting go of any thoughts about the future or the past.
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