Pleasure starts with self
Pleasure starts with self

Pleasure starts with self

This meditation describes the benefits of pleasure on the nervous system and guides you to connect with where pleasure resides in your body. The practice will leave you feeling grounded, inspired, and relaxed.
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This meditation describes the benefits of pleasure on the nervous system and guides you to connect with where pleasure resides in your body. The practice will leave you feeling grounded, inspired, and relaxed.
Hello, my name is Shayna, and welcome to your women meditation on pleasure.

Pleasure begins with self.

This meditation is a journey into understanding and embracing the richness and value of pleasure in our lives.

Pleasure does not have to come with guilt, nor does it have to be earned.

It is your birthright.

Pleasure is not just a fleeting sensation, but rather a profound experience that has the capacity to deeply heal and transform us.

There are three primary types of pleasure:

* Physical
* Emotional
* Spiritual
Engaging consciously in pleasurable activities can rewire the brain, creating new neural pathways that foster resilience and emotional balance.

By allowing ourselves to experience pleasure, we counteract the effects of stress, promoting healing and a greater sense of overall well-being.

Let’s Get Started
For this meditation, all you need is yourself.

If you are in a relationship and feel inspired to practice this meditation with your partner, you are more than welcome to do so.

Find a comfortable position to receive this meditation.

This could be:

* Seated
* Lying down
* Standing
Feel free to stretch, move, or adjust in a way that allows you to settle into stillness.

Once you’ve arrived at that place of stillness, if it feels right, gently close your eyes.
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