Mindfulness to Manage Period Pain
Mindfulness to Manage Period Pain

Mindfulness to Manage Period Pain

This meditation guides you in using mindfulness to observe and ease period pain with compassion and awareness.
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This meditation guides you in using mindfulness to observe and ease period pain with compassion and awareness.
Hello, my name is Shayna. Welcome to this women meditation designed to help you manage period pain through mindfulness.

Our minds are incredibly powerful, and scientific studies have shown that awareness and mindfulness can significantly reduce our perception of pain.

This meditation invites you to begin viewing your period—and the sensations that arise within your body—through the lens of curiosity, presence, and love.

Let’s Get Started
Begin by finding a comfortable position to sit or lie down.

If you are experiencing pain or discomfort, I encourage you to prioritize your comfort.

If possible, lying down may be the most supportive option.

You may also choose to prop something under your knees or the back of your head for extra support.

Alternatively, it might feel good to lie on your side in a fetal position.

Take a few moments to adjust your posture, ensuring that you feel as supported and comfortable as possible.

You may need to shift or adjust several times—and that is completely OK.

And throughout this meditation, if you need to move, stretch, or change positions, know that you are fully welcome to do so.

The Only Goal is Comfort & Ease
If there is a goal for this practice, it is simply to cultivate a sense of comfort and ease.


And once you feel settled…
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