Deep Listening with your Partner
Deep Listening with your Partner

Deep Listening with your Partner

The Deep Listening with Your Partner meditation enhances your ability to listen to your parnter, promotinf empathy and understadning in the relationship. This meditation helps you hold space for eachother to authentically give and receive.
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The Deep Listening with Your Partner meditation enhances your ability to listen to your parnter, promotinf empathy and understadning in the relationship. This meditation helps you hold space for eachother to authentically give and receive.
Hello and welcome to this meditation focused on deep listening with your partner.

In this session, you will practice truly hearing and understanding each other. My name is Shayna Hiller, and I am grateful to guide you.

Let’s Begin
Create a comfortable, safe space for yourselves, sitting face to face.

Gently close your eyes and take a deep breath in through your nose…

And exhale with a soft sigh, releasing any tension.

Feel your breath expanding your being from the inside out.

With each exhale, let go of anything from the past or future, allowing yourself to be fully present in this moment.

When you’re ready, gently open your eyes, using your breath to soften your body.

Soften your face, and allow yourself to truly see the incredible being in front of you.

And in turn, allow yourself to be seen.

Notice how this feels inside you. Stay connected to yourself as you connect with your partner through the gaze, creating a shared space of trust, vulnerability, and openness.

Sharing and Deep Listening
From this space of presence, you will decide who will share first.

I will now offer a prompt.

The person sharing may express a thought or a feeling that is present for them in this moment.

The listening partner will simply hold space.

This means:
* No interrupting
* No judging
* No preparing a response
Instead, be fully present with the words and emotions being expressed.

Now, the question for reflection:

"How do you like to be loved?"

As the listening partner, tune in—not just to your partner’s words, but also to their voice, their expressions, and the emotions behind their words.

Stay connected to your own breath, and offer your full presence and attention.

Feel free to stay and meditate as long as you desire.

I look forward to guiding you again soon.

Bye for now.
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